After embarking as a passenger onboard a cargo ship returning to Europe he begins to question his sanity and the very understanding of his perception of time in this romantic psychological thriller at sea. After a brief encounter with one of the shipmates, James, Christopher settles into life on board the ship. His life quickly falls into a routine that shapes his day-to-day existence, mirroring the monotony of the ship’s passage through open waters.
2.0 七個秘書電影版
1.0 遇見卡帕納
8.0 愛你的人
8.0 愛就愛了2013
8.0 艾草仙姑
3.0 埃及豔後
1963 劇情簡介:52歲的凱撒(雷克斯?哈裏森 Rex Harrison 飾)以羅馬執行官的身份駕臨埃及,為了解決王室姐弟爭位的事端。皇姐克裏奧佩特拉(伊麗莎白?泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 飾)美豔絕倫,憑借自身的魅力和政治手腕,迅速讓凱撒拜倒在她的石榴裙下,不但獲得了對埃及的統治權,而且還以美貌征服了羅馬。 克氏與凱撒完婚後,為其產下一子,深得凱撒喜歡,被立為繼承人。但此事引起了凱撒手下大將安東尼(理查德?伯頓 Richard Burton 飾)與屋大維(羅迪?麥克道爾 Roddy McDowall 飾)的不滿。在凱撒遇刺駕崩之後,安東尼接掌了羅馬的統治權,但他同樣無法抵擋克氏的絕世美貌。當安東尼徹底沉溺於暴風雨般愛情的時候,身在羅馬的屋大維已經吹響了奪權的號角……