After embarking as a passenger onboard a cargo ship returning to Europe he begins to question his sanity and the very understanding of his perception of time in this romantic psychological thriller at sea. After a brief encounter with one of the shipmates, James, Christopher settles into life on board the ship. His life quickly falls into a routine that shapes his day-to-day existence, mirroring the monotony of the ship’s passage through open waters.
3.0 桑樹的影子
8.0 時空密碼
8.0 標誌動作
7.0 樹
2010 劇情簡介:丈夫彼得(阿登·楊 Aden Young 飾)的死讓道恩(夏洛特·甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg 飾)傷心欲絕,就在此時,道恩的小女兒西蒙娜(摩根·戴維斯 Morgana Davies 飾)卻告訴她,彼得的靈魂棲息在院子裏的一顆巨大的榕樹之上,正默默的守護著整個家庭。靠著榕樹的支撐,道恩漸漸從永失我愛的痛苦和悲傷中走了出來,優秀青年喬治(馬爾頓·索克斯 Marton Csokas 飾)的出現更是讓道恩重新感受到了被愛和被關懷的快樂。 沒想到,道恩和喬治之間的感情遭到了女兒的強烈反對,西蒙娜無法相信除了父親外,母親竟然還能愛上別的男人。同時,院子裏的榕樹似乎對道恩身上所發生的事情了如指掌,它竟然也開始用它自己的方法幹預起了道恩的生活。 -
7.0 樹下驚魂
5.0 樹中男孩
2016 劇情簡介:Halloween 1997 – the last night of high school for Corey, Jango and their skater gang, The Gromits. Childhood is over and adult life beckons. But for Corey, his past has some unfinished business. When he encounters Jonah, a former childhood friend but now victimised by Jango’s cruel streak, Corey takes pity on him and agrees to walk him home for old time’s sake. What starts off...