卡修斯(勒凱斯·斯坦菲爾德 Lakeith Stanfield 飾)是一名落魄但自尊心非常強的青年,他住在叔叔的車庫裏,從事著毫無前途的電話銷售的工作,還拖欠了四個月的房租,前途可謂是一片灰暗。 在同事的點撥之下,卡修斯發現了提升業績的小妙招,那就是將自己的聲音偽裝成白人,這讓他在公司的境遇稍微好了那麽一點。同事們因為種族歧視和寒磣的薪資待遇發起了罷工運動,雖然卡修斯在精神上表示支持同胞們的反抗,但實際上他更在乎的是能否利用這次機會升官發財。最終,卡修斯獲得了晉升的機會,將那些反叛的同事們遠遠甩在身後,但隨著職位的升高,他亦觸摸到了公司裏黑暗的秘密核心。
2.0 雲中命案[電影解說]
2.0 幽巷謀殺案[電影解說]
1989 電影解說簡介: Poirot is enlisted by Japp to help solve a mystery that took place on Bonfire Night in a mews flat. A Mrs. Allen was found shot, apparently a suicide, but she was holding the gun that killed her in the wrong hand, and foul play is suspected. Furthermore, the ash-tray in the room contained the stubs of Turkish cigarettes smoked by one Major Eustace, a disreputable acquaintance.The victim was engaged to be married and seemingly had no cause to take her own life. Did she? Or was it murder in the mews? -
10.0 遺囑囧事[電影解說]
7.0 葉穆[電影解說]
5.0 鬼女魔咒[電影解說]
1.0 被遺棄的秘密[電影解說]