3.0 叫我凱特第一季
1.0 皆大歡喜
1.0 接生公
2015 美國簡介:Newly qualified midwife Matthew Bunting (Darren Boyd) is experiencing a kind of re-birth, having given up his life as a police constable in his mid 30s in the hope of finding something more meaningful. He is too warm and caring to be a cop. Arriving in his first job as a junior midwife at Easthill Park Maternity Unit, Matthew makes an instant impact on his new team members. T... -
2.0 街燈亮起時
6.0 街角少年第二季
1.0 節哀順變第一季
2018 美國簡介:凱莉·瑪麗·陳(《星球大戰8》)加盟伊麗莎白·奧爾森主演Facebook新劇,該劇正式定名為《節哀順變》(Sorry for Your Loss),題材為黑色喜劇。講述年輕寡婦Leigh Gibbs(奧爾森)一邊處理失去丈夫的悲痛,一邊與過去重新建立關係。瑪麗·陳飾演Leigh的妹妹Jules,她是派對上最有趣的女孩,也是最難相處的女孩,隨著姐夫去世,她每天都在努力嚐試保持清醒,同時擺脫“家中心有餘而力不足的災難”這一角色。 Kit Steinkellner(《緣起澤爾達》)創作,Lizzy Weiss(《錯位青春》)擔任運作人,James Ponsoldt(《好景當前》《無為大師》)執導首集及其中幾集,並擔任執行製片人,奧爾森也參與製片。該劇共10集,每集半小時,將在Facebook Watch平台上播出。