2.0 伊森情歌
2021 泰劇簡介:When one is in search of what he needs, only to find it when he returns home. This is a story of a man who comes back home to recover from big city life. But it’s not that easy when he has to fight for the things that he thought were supposed to be given. He has to work through this farming challenge to claim it back. His friends and family are all there to help him. Somehow wi... -
5.0 鍵盤俠
8.0 舞動奇跡
2017 泰劇簡介:Every match has winners and losers. Rules are important for the game on the field. But what about the game outside the field? Meet the wonderful stories of the athletes in a college. Striking in and out of the field at this college, sports dance and wrestling collide. Members for both teams are required to compete for medals together. But instead, everyone will unite to overcom... -
2.0 心靈獵手
8.0 幸福的代價
2017 泰劇簡介:歌手Tee因為演唱了一首love song love series一炮而紅。但是人紅了各種事情也隨之而來,Tee開始沉迷於ke 藥耍大牌,雖然有個 溫柔賢淑的女友Pai照顧身體不好的母親,他仍然不知滿足。直到最後母親去世 ,他能醒過來嗎? love song loves eries飾演男主的Hatto和女主Manao也成了新一代的銀幕情侶。Hatto在和自己的助理交往,但卻和Manao搞曖昧。 女作家Sammy是love song love series作者。希望做出讓人幸福的歌曲和文章。但是她的人生卻不幸福,之前的男友發現她出軌後分手,現又交了一個會家暴的現男友。身處娛樂圈到底何為幸福? -
2.0 以愛為營