8.0 唇彩間諜
9.0 深宅紳士
5.0 情根固愛
7.0 三位紳士兄弟
2022 泰劇簡介:在母親鐵甲般的雙手下長大,母親控製著他們從服裝到事業的一切,當他們和誰共度餘生時,伊奇查亞、特維斯和阿希拉三兄弟能掌控自己的生活嗎? Brought up under the iron-clad hands of their mother, who controls everything from their clothing to their career, will the three brothers Itchaya, Tevis, and Ashira be able to take control of their life when it comes to who they spend the rest of it with? -
1.0 我的野蠻女友泰版
6.0 我的時髦公主之白雪公主篇