家樂(許家樂 飾)是個聰明卻調皮搗蛋被學校視為頭痛份子的小孩,懷孕的母親(楊雁雁 飾)每天在公司和家事兩邊忙碌分身乏術的情況下,還會接到學校的抱怨電話總是相當無奈,最後隻好找來菲律賓女傭泰莉(安吉莉·芭雅妮 Angeli Bayani 飾)來幫忙家事和照顧家樂。 一開始相當排斥泰莉的家樂利用各種機會欺負她,但是為了要養家活口的泰莉隻能努力在這個家庭裏生存。家樂因為爸媽各自煩惱著自己的事情無暇關注他的情況下,讓家樂和泰莉兩人逐漸產生越來越深厚的感情,但是小小年紀的家樂卻沒有發現家庭風暴也日趨嚴重…… 而這是1997年,亞洲金融危機正在悄悄影響這個國家……
1.0 奪命佳人[電影解說]
5.0 奪命R點[電影解說]
6.0 折磨2011[電影解說]
2011 電影解說簡介: Leslie Easterbrook plays the lead role of 'Mother Maggie', a disturbed mother of four who delivers an unimaginable level of abuse to her children while defending her actions with her own twisted interpretations of the Bible. Three daughters live in constant fear of being beaten and abused by their mentally disturbed mother. Escaping the wrath of their mother seems impossible and proves to be deadly. Based on a true story, The Afflicted takes you inside the lives of those who live in constant fear with no escape. -
2.0 公正社會[電影解說]
10.0 新重案傳真[電影解說]
9.0 模仿犯2016[電影解說]