講述了紋身師菅受警方委托調查商人和政客神秘謀殺案的故事。坎跟蹤刺客兄弟法德爾和拜森,他們也經營著一家餐館。當菅直人發現自己愛上了拜辛時,事情發生了轉折。與此同時,法德爾被一個名叫斯泰爾的汽車修理工抓住了。 It follows the story of a tattoo artist, Kan, who is tasked by the police to dig into the mysterious killings of businessmen and politicians. Kan tails the two assassin brothers, Fadel and Bison, who also run a restaurant. Things take a turn when Kan finds himself falling for ...
2.0 分診處
9.0 泰拳之痛
6.0 宿世冤家
2022 泰劇簡介:一旦女人從多愁善感……變得狡猾善變,不管男人有多壞,都仔細你的心吧。 一個對年輕律師和女主編來說本應該清新的早晨,卻成了世界末日,到死都忘不掉。 當他和她一絲不掛地在同一張床上醒來,他們二人模糊不清的記憶,還無法得出一個結論: 究竟……誰強暴了誰! 一番激烈的爭吵過後,不愉快地分開了。 不知是上天開了個玩笑,還是小鬼作祟,她和他再一次不期而遇。 以律師和主編的身份……能言善辯的Chinkrit律師要來協助火辣主編Mookmanee解決世紀難題。 為了任務暫時脫下拳擊手套握手言和,眼看這次任務就要圓滿完成了。 如果不是那該死的律師一時嘴賤說她是一個沒有魅力的毒舌女人! 既然他如此瞧不起她,Mookmanee又豈會服輸? 奪心遊戲即將拉開序幕,誰會先掉入對方的愛情陷進?誰都不肯向誰讓步,因為這是一場以心為賭注的戰鬥! -
10.0 愛你命中注定
7.0 星空戀人
2022 泰劇簡介:Daonuea had a crush on Kabkluen in high school and confessed his feelings on the last day of his senior year. However, he was gently rejected by Kabkluen. Now, starting University, Daonuea discovers that one of his dormmates is none other than his High school love, Kabkleun. What will happen when you stop loving someone but they begin loving you? -
7.0 孿生公主記