Ya Nina / Lucky Girl is a realistic drama based on true stories. It is featuring a sudden change of life of successful TV star Nina after the cancer diagnosis and loss of her arm. The storyline takes the main character from the highest peak of her beautiful life to the darkest place one can possibly find oneself. Nina discovers a whole new world for her, the world she doesn’t a...
2.0 自由的代價
2.0 小象西納
1996 劇情簡介:故事發生在雲南西雙版納一個美麗的傣寨。小姑娘依歡(林甜飾)和阿媽(黃誌玲飾)、外公(楊寶河飾)焦急的等待著三年前外出掙錢的阿爸(畢遠晉飾)和哥哥艾拉(李豔波飾),因為十四歲的哥哥到了出家當和尚的日子,這是傣家男孩子成長為男子漢不可或缺的經曆。艾拉回來後,帶著妹妹親手捏的小白象,獻給了廟裏的菩薩。在一次無意間巡山中,兄妹倆救起一頭受傷的小白象,他們對它嗬護有加,並給小象起名西娜。村長(林昌文飾)帶人在寨子裏搭起象房,從此西娜有了自己的家。阿爸賭錢虧了本,賭場老板讓他把西娜偷出來賣掉,利欲熏心的阿爸不聽媽媽和外公的規勸,給兒子用了催眠藥,把西娜偷走了。艾拉和妹妹踏上了尋象之路..... -
4.0 小蝙蝠俠出擊
10.0 傳世寶藏
9.0 壯誌童心
10.0 棕櫚泉聖誕夜