“九一八”事變前夕,劉長春(李兆林 飾)是東北大學的學生,在德籍教練指導下練習短跑,事變後,他回到了家鄉大連。劉長春目睹了山河破碎的祖國現狀,伹他從未放棄訓練,決心有一天能為國爭光,他的做法得到了妻子薑秀珍(馬鏡 飾)的支持。日寇控製下的偽滿要他代表“滿洲國”參加奧運會,誓死不當漢奸的劉長春躲過追捕逃至北平,他要代表中國參加奧運會。但國民政府以“資金不足”為由拒絕了他的請求,無奈之下他求助原東北大學校長張學良(胡軍 飾),張資助他八千大洋以資鼓勵,懷惴強國夢想的劉長春遠赴美國參加第十屆夏季奧運會。入場式上,代表四萬萬同胞出征的劉長春走來了......
4.0 傳世樂章
9.0 城南舊事
1983 劇情簡介:本片根據林海音的同名短篇小說改編。 小女孩林英子(沈潔 飾)住在五十年前的北京南城,在他們家院子附近住著一個瘋女人秀珍(張閩 飾),秀珍的丈夫因參與學生運動被殺,孩子也不知所蹤,因此落下了瘋病,時常把英子當做自己的孩子“小桂子”看待,英子也喜歡秀珍,答應幫她找回小桂子。英子有個苦命的小夥伴妞兒,學戲時常遭幹爹打罵,英子偶然發現妞兒有小桂子的胎記,幫助她們母女相認。英子上小學後,一家人搬到了廠甸。在家門口荒廢的院落裏,英子發現了一個小偷(張豐毅 飾)藏贓的草堆,小偷為了供弟弟讀書隻得幹不光彩的勾當,英子卻不把他看作是壞人。不久,女傭蘇媽返鄉,父親去世,英子的童年,彷佛一下結束了…… -
5.0 法庭外的遊戲
1986 劇情簡介:Fact-based story about a 1975 cover-up of a shooting by two white members of the Boston Tactical Unit. While on stakeout on a suspected getaway car used in a armed robbery, the two gunned down a black man who entered the car. The two claimed the man had a gun and they shot in self-defense. Police investigation decided it was a rightful shooting. The man"s widow knew her husband... -
3.0 法庭外的遊戲國語
1986 劇情簡介:Fact-based story about a 1975 cover-up of a shooting by two white members of the Boston Tactical Unit. While on stakeout on a suspected getaway car used in a armed robbery, the two gunned down a black man who entered the car. The two claimed the man had a gun and they shot in self-defense. Police investigation decided it was a rightful shooting. The man"s widow knew her husband... -
10.0 贖回
6.0 第二次愛情