全劇從銀河帝國的視角出發,Nightsister Morgan Elsbeth和前絕地武士Barriss Offee扮演關鍵角色,劇中也將探討Elsbeth的崛起,Thrawn、Grievous將軍也將現身;Offee則在通往審判所的道路,見到了Grand Inquisitor Darth Vader本人。
1.0 俗世樂土第一季
2010 歐美動漫簡介: 3月17日,喜劇頻道將播出新動畫劇《醜陋的美國人》(Ugly Americans)。該劇講述熱心腸的社會工作者Mark Lilly幫助剛剛來到紐約的「市民」融入美國社會的故事。你也注意到了這個有趣的標題和打了引號的「市民」--毫無疑問,這是一部借動畫言現實的政諷作品。而所謂的「市民」……Well,並不都是人類,也有「其他人」--地獄惡魔、吸血鬼、僵屍、狼人、多頭怪……所有幻想小說、幻想電影和童話裏出現過的東西都有可能在劇中出現。讓吸血鬼不要吸人血,狼人不要入室搶劫,胖子不要老呆在家裏不進行社會活動,這些任務雖然不簡單,但Mark願意一試。讓Mark心煩的不止是工作,還有他嘮裏嘮叨的僵屍室友和惡魔女友。他真想好好睡一覺,可是當美得令人神魂顛倒的美人魚坐在酒吧裏向你招手時,誰還睡得著? ------天涯小築 -
4.0 俗世樂土第二季
2011 歐美動漫簡介: Ugly Americans is an American animated sitcom created by Devin Clark and developed by David M. Stern. The program focuses on the life of Mark Lilly, www. chaoji365.com a social worker employed by the Department of Integration, in an alternate reality version of New York City inhabited by monsters and other creatures gozando's torrents are always clean and if there is any problem ,please drop me a message and i will look into as soon and possible can, but just ENJOY IT ........ Haters stay Away with your falses comments and those who love to drop Bombs like FAKE, FISHY ,ETC,ETC, please get a life.haters had done that before but like i said, God is my witness and those who download my torrents,, i never upload garbage or anything wrong, all the material I upload i already seen it so is just fine. so help me fight the haters ans LIARS brown nosers.. -
8.0 邊城小鎮第一季
8.0 寵寶話療團第一季
10.0 大人物拿破侖第一季
3.0 蜂妹與狗狗貓