曾經生活在各地的熊貓,在嚴酷漫長的冰河世紀幾乎絕種,而今隻在中華人民共和國的四川省才能看到這個珍惜的物種,本篇講述的便是20世紀30年代一隻被介紹到歐洲的熊貓的故事。 四川省北部的群山密林之間,小熊貓濤濤和媽媽以及金絲猴、小野兔、老羚羊等動物夥伴快樂地生活於此。春暖花開時節,熊貓媽媽被無情的獵人奪去生命,鮮血染紅山穀小溪。可憐孤獨的濤濤獨自求生,多舛的命運卻將它推向了完全陌生的歐洲,成為供人觀賞的囚徒。美麗的飼養員瑪麗細心照料小熊貓的起居,期間也結交到許多動物朋友。時光流轉,世界動蕩,濤濤一生都在思念遙遠的故鄉……
5.0 人性記錄[電影解說]
2.0 失蹤的遺囑[電影解說]
4.0 夢境[電影解說]
5.0 斯泰爾斯莊園奇案[電影解說]
6.0 死人之鏡[電影解說]
10.0 舞會謎案[電影解說]
1991 電影解說簡介: Poirot attends the Victory Ball, a costume party where you are expected to dress as someone famous, as himself. However, when two members of a party of six dressed as characters from classical Italian comedy are subsequently found dead, Poirot finds himself working with Chief Inspector Japp to solve the case. The solution to the deaths of Viscount Cronshaw and Coco Courtney is to be found in determining the correct time of death and identifying an impostor at the ball. Poirot takes to the airwaves and reveals the identity of the killer on a live BBC radio broadcast.