90年代最成功的連續劇之一,獲獎無數。《黃金女郎》自播出後一直深受影迷們的追捧,被一致認為最傑出的電視連續劇。當年《黃金女郎》在NBC播出之後,橫掃了當時所有的收視排行。公司原本想多拍幾季,可由於老姐妹們之中有人身體狀況已經不能承受常年的拍攝,所以最後不得不放棄。這之後大家就各自回家,做姥姥的做姥姥,當奶奶的當奶奶。現在姐妹們見麵了,姐妹們隻顧拉著手聊天,當年的輝煌一句也沒提。看到她們快樂的笑容,在場的人都覺得大家又回到了《黃金女郎》的時代,這群可愛的老太太永遠都是年輕的黃金女郎。 [劇情簡介]:幾位已到古稀之齡的女士,一起住在一個屋子裏麵的故事。可想而知,這幾位老太太鬧出了各種各樣的笑話,引出了讓人捧腹的嬉笑場麵。故事裏的幾位主角年紀雖加起來已經有好幾百歲了,但這些老太太仍然活力充沛,唱歌跳舞樣樣精通,還不時約會一下年紀相仿的男士。
10.0 無恥之徒第八季
2011 歐美簡介: The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humor - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won't admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbors. -
5.0 無恥之徒第十一季
2.0 采聲自有時
10.0 矽穀 第一季
4.0 矽穀 第二季
4.0 皇家棕櫚