聽呀……聽見了就會死去呀…… 1972年的偏遠村莊,一名少女夜裡聽見疑似「聽呀」的怪聲後,短短幾天內便離奇身亡......。少女慘死的消息很快在小村莊傳開,得知消息的大哥Yak(納得克庫吉米亞 飾)決定從軍營返家照顧全家人。某日,小妹Yam(拉塔娃蒂婉通 飾)放學時遇到一名樣貌詭異的黑衣女子後,乖巧的她突然性情大變,有時異常暴力,有時無故瘋狂尖叫,午夜夢迴時,甚至會中邪般重複唸著令人毛骨悚然的「聽呀…聽呀…」,詭譎「陰聲」逐漸蔓延到這個家中…….
2.0 頂級陰謀
1.0 棺材石
2.0 神鬼騙局
6.0 一個星期三的下午
3.0 北部叢林
2011 恐怖簡介: Allen Meneric is committed to a psychiatric institution for the criminally insane because of a brutal revenge murder. There he is forced to deal with the very ill and the dangerous until, as part of a socialization program, he is transferred to minimum security where he meets Mia, a beautiful bipolar female inmate. Ever haunted by his past, Allen seeks his redemption when sudden events demand that he protect Mia from the violence and chaos of the institution. -
1.0 被害人