MGM+, a premium linear channel and streaming service, today announced it has picked up the second season of the science-fiction mystery thriller Beacon 23, based on the best-selling book by Hugh Howey. Produced by Boat Rocker, the new season will premiere on MGM+ in April 2024 with eight new episodes. Zak Penn (Ready Player One, Free Guy) created the series and executive produces. Glen Mazzara (The Walking Dead, The Shield) and Joy Blake (The Passage, Ghost Whisperer) serve as co-showrunners and executive producers on Season Two.
9.0 金裝律師第四季
10.0 金裝律師第五季
9.0 金裝律師第六季
1.0 金裝律師第七季
5.0 金裝律師第八季
2018 美國簡介:凱瑟琳·海格爾(《實習醫生格蕾》《國事家事》)加盟《金裝律師》第8季,擔任常駐演員,與加布裏埃爾·馬赫特上演對手戲。此前該劇已宣布準王妃梅根·馬克爾和小麥帕特裏克·J·亞當斯都不會回歸。海格爾將飾演Samantha Wheeler,是Pearson Specter Litt律師事務所的新合夥人,她才華橫溢,將挑戰現狀,要麽成為該公司最大的盟友,要麽成為最強大的敵人。 劇情的基調也會發生改變,此前主要聚焦馬赫特飾演的Harvey Specter和亞當斯飾演的Mike Ross之間的男性關係,現在將用其他元素替代。原卡司莎拉·拉弗提、裏克·霍夫曼等回歸,最新一季加入成為常規主演的杜勒·希爾也會回歸。第8季將於4月多倫多開拍,預計年末播出。 -
4.0 金裝律師第九季