In a Bulgarian mountain village, where prejudice simmers, a summer romance begins between two boys from different worlds. Victor (27) has a nice life in Madrid with his partner, Jose. He returns to his childhood home in Bulgaria for his grandfather’s funeral, and decides to stay for the summer. While reconnecting with his father and the village way of life, he unexpectedly finds love in the form of Liuben, an 18-year-old Roma boy. Despite their differences, and the conflicts around them, Victor and Liuben find refuge in each other.
10.0 聖潔無辜的人
2.0 天國車站
2.0 陌生男子
1985 劇情簡介: 在英國小鎮韋瑟比,瓊組織了一次聚會,一位奇特的不請自來的青年被奉為上賓。第二天,這位不速之客又來了,在瓊的麵前開槍自殺而亡。案件對小鎮震動很大。不久,真相大白於天下。原來那晚,這位失戀的青年在與瓊發生關係後,又遭到瓊的拒絕,痛苦之極走上不歸路。 本片是導演的低成本處女作,反映了他對人性的看法:平靜下麵潛藏著邪惡和欺詐,孤獨時隻能以扭曲的方式解脫自己。人們循規蹈矩地生活.直至陌生人暴力自殺,才給他們帶來震動,這暗示了英國社會的等級及教育製度是人們反複無常的心理根源。影片表現了人的行為,以及人們產生這種行為的社會根源。本片具有深刻的思想性。反傳統的表現手法使其有很強的藝術觀賞性。本片獲得1985年柏林電影節最佳故事片金熊獎。 -
3.0 怒河春醒
5.0 修羅之群
1.0 一個女人2010