The Real Ghostbusters was an American animated television series based on the hit 1984 film Ghostbusters. The series ran from 1986 to 1991, and was produced by Columbia Pictures Television, DiC Entertainment and Coca-Cola. "The Real" was added to the title over a dispute with Filmation and their Ghost Busters properties.[1]. The series continued the adventures of paranormal investigators Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Dr. Ray Stantz, their secretary Janine Melnitz and their mascot ghost Slimer. Dr. Peter Venkman was the group's first-among-equals. While not their official leader, Venkman often made the decision whether or not they would take a case. He also provided comic relief and was usually nominated for tasks no one else wanted to do. Dr. Egon Spengler, a scientific genius, provided the technical expertise the group needed to understand (and many times combat) the ethereal realm. In many episodes Egon formulated the solution when all hope seemed lost. Dr. Ray Stantz was portrayed as an excitable jack-of-all-trades. He was second only to Egon in technical genius, while still remaining a child at heart. Winston Zeddemore (sometimes spelled "Zeddmore") was the courage of the group; his accuracy with the proton gun was his forte. Of all the Ghostbusters, Winston Zeddemore had the least character development in the cartoon series, even though he did star in a few episodes.
3.0 格林兄弟[電影解說]
2005 電影解說簡介: 威爾·格林(馬特·達蒙 Matt Damon 飾)和傑克·格林(希斯·萊傑 Heath Ledger 飾)是一對遊手好閑、靠詐騙為生的騙子。他們經常在不同地方雇人扮演妖魔鬼怪進行大肆的破壞,然後自己以驅魔人的身份出現“消滅”妖怪,以此來騙取村民們的報酬。由於這樣的手法屢屢得逞,格林兄弟驅魔人的名聲越來越大,甚至被法國國王召見,邀請他們前往被詛咒的森林裏麵揭開失蹤少女之謎。這下,格林兄弟隻得硬著頭皮前往魔法森林。在森林裏,灰姑娘、小紅帽這些原本童話裏麵的人物悉數登場……最後,他們發現原來是因為女魔頭鏡子皇後(莫妮卡·貝魯奇 Monica Bellucci 飾)為了保持青春,必須殺死年輕的女性,並用她們的血肉來回複青春。於是,格林兄弟與女魔頭的世紀大戰就此拉開……他們能否獲得童話般的美好結局呢? -
7.0 邪魔女[電影解說]
1.0 擋馬奪刀[電影解說]
2.0 風流局長[電影解說]
4.0 宰相劉羅鍋[電影解說]
8.0 鬼嫁1976[電影解說]