速遞員威利(約瑟夫·高登-萊維特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 飾)的自行車是一輛經過改裝的fixed gear,鋼製車架,,再加上他的車技和靈敏的反應,每天都能在擁擠的街道上穿行。 一天,一個女人給了他一個“非常重要的急件”,要他在90分鍾內把這個東西送到唐人街。可是在半路上,卻又警察把威利攔了下來,並用強迫的方法要威利交出那個急件。走投無路的威利隻好私自拆開了信封,並發現了一個驚人的秘密。 那麽,發現秘密的威利能在90分鍾內把這個消息準確送達麽?他的自行車能跑得過警車和黑幫的速度麽?
5.0 人性記錄[電影解說]
2.0 失蹤的遺囑[電影解說]
4.0 夢境[電影解說]
5.0 斯泰爾斯莊園奇案[電影解說]
6.0 死人之鏡[電影解說]
10.0 舞會謎案[電影解說]
1991 電影解說簡介: Poirot attends the Victory Ball, a costume party where you are expected to dress as someone famous, as himself. However, when two members of a party of six dressed as characters from classical Italian comedy are subsequently found dead, Poirot finds himself working with Chief Inspector Japp to solve the case. The solution to the deaths of Viscount Cronshaw and Coco Courtney is to be found in determining the correct time of death and identifying an impostor at the ball. Poirot takes to the airwaves and reveals the identity of the killer on a live BBC radio broadcast.