塞西莉亞(西德妮·斯威尼 飾)是一個非常虔誠的修女,她來到意大利鄉間修道院開始新生活,卻在這個幾乎全是女人的地方意外懷孕,原來這裏隱藏著黑暗和可怕的秘密。
4.0 森林惡魔
2023 恐怖簡介:Lucas and Mathias, 8-year-old sons of lumberjacks in the Vosges forest, are the best of friends. One day, while driving his car, Lucas' father fatally collides with Mathias, who is cycling down the mountain. Sitting in the back of the car, Lucas watches helplessly as his father throws his friend's lifeless body into the ravine. One look is all it takes for him to realize that h... -
2.0 給你來點血漿
9.0 二號陪審員
10.0 巴希拉
7.0 桑塔斯坦
5.0 鬼河