2.0 名苑獵凶[電影解說]
2010 電影解說簡介: A lavish weekend party sees Miss Marple accompany Lady Virginia Revel to her family home of Chimneys - a house which was once prized for its diplomatic gatherings until a rare diamond was stolen from the premises over twenty years ago. The tenacious career politician, George Lomax, has persuaded Virginia's father, Lord Caterham, to host an evening for an important Austrian Count, Ludwig Von Stainach. Virginia, the daughter of Miss Marple's late cousin, must decide by the end of the weekend whether to accept a marriage proposal from George Lomax or to follow her heart and the courtship of another more adventurous suitor, Anthony Cade. Dismayed by the odd array of guests, including socialist spinster Miss Blenkinsopp, Caterham's formidable eldest daughter Bundle and the quietly inscrutable maidservant Treadwell, Lomax castigates his affable assistant Bill Eversleigh, who also has a soft spot for Virginia. It becomes apparent that Count Ludwig has taken a personal interest in Chimneys. -
5.0 知道太多的女孩[電影解說]
1963 電影解說簡介: Nora is a young tourist traveling through Rome which takes a sudden turn when she witnesses a murder by a serial killer that the police have sought for years for the so-called Alphabet Killings, and Nora soon finds herself in way-over-her-head trouble when the police want her cooperation to catch the killer while the mystery killer soon targets her for his next victim. -
7.0 冤魂鏡[電影解說]
2.0 鴉魔1975[電影解說]
1975 電影解說簡介: 中國民間傳說在古代,成千上萬的烏鴉隨機攻擊和殺害居民峰村外的長城。主豐合城的長老尋求更多的計劃辯護慘敗後企圖通過當地的一個樂隊的人,自己動手殺烏鴉。一個村民王茂勝分離自己從暴徒乞討一著名的隱士捕鳥人東聖地址和鎮壓攻擊。王先生和他的妹妹幾乎失去生命後,董建華第一次災難性的對抗。同時,希望村裏的長老們借助東的叔叔建議有針對性的狩獵尋找並殺死烏鴉的頭。村裏慶祝勝利後通殺領袖烏鴉然而他很快就意識到,他們的死亡隻不過是一個物理和精神,主後,馮的孫子突然被一股神秘的力量,來自邪惡的羊。現在其餘的羊群雙打在規模和實力與即將來臨的恐懼更多的傷亡來。一心維護家庭的榮譽和完成他的任務,桐現在必須麵對屬靈的挑戰和前景的物理殉難粉碎烏鴉和恢複平衡自然村。 -
3.0 目中無人222[電影解說]
5.0 狂賭之淵 電影版[電影解說]
2019 電影解說簡介: 以技能博弈強弱決定成員等級的百花王聚集了許許多多的財政界大腕的親人。在這裏一切都具有規則,每一個人都要去博弈,而失敗的成員隻會一層一層落入到最底層,而這樣的規則則是由百花王的小團體把控著。麵對嚴峻而又冷酷的形式,百花王的每個人都竭盡全力進行博弈。但終究還是有不少人淪為了底層成員。就這樣,百花王裏突然湧現了一個反博弈組織,他們拒絕小團體的博弈方式。雙方劍拔弩張的關係隨著一次博弈一觸即發。為首的村雨天音找到了百花王最厲害的夢子進行決戰。卻不想反博弈組織中存在著一名叛徒,她將消息都傳遞出去銀村雨天音入局。隨著對戰越來越精彩,夢子率先點破叛徒身份,卻不成想原來村雨天音在就知道這一切,也識破了一個一個詭計,最終取得勝利。