《光,光,光 Valoa valoa valoa》劇情簡介
In the spring of 1986, there is an explosion in Chernobyl and a girl called Mimi arrives in a small village in Western Finland. She immediately fills 15-year-old Mariia’s life with radiating light. 20 years later Mariia returns home to take care of her sick mother, and memories of that meaningful summer start rising to the surface.
《光,光,光 Valoa valoa valoa》相關視頻
1.0 眾神與野獸
1998 劇情簡介:本片講述好萊塢著名大導演詹姆斯·威爾(伊安·麥克萊恩 Ian McKellen 飾)1957年的最後人生。這位創造影史最驚悚角色“科學怪人”的導演已淡出電影界, 正潛心研究繪畫,閑時仍與一些男子頻頻約會。當管家漢娜(琳恩·雷德格瑞夫 Lynn Redgrave 飾)錄用了新園丁、身強力壯的前海軍陸戰隊成員布恩(布蘭登·費舍 Brendan Fraser 飾)後,威爾的興趣漸漸全部轉移到布恩身上。威爾象一隻爬向蒼蠅的蜘蛛一樣一點點接近布恩,引領後者一步步走進精心設計的圈套。原來威爾雖然已停止拍片,但自從見到布恩後,他發現布恩同自己片中的主角弗蘭肯斯坦極為相似——不善言辭、單純質樸且難以理解。威爾感到自己無法冷卻心中的熱愛,隻有布恩才能解除他的痛苦,他的計劃就是誘使布恩最終殺死他本人,從而得以親手實現一生中最完美的電影情節...... 本片通過年老好萊塢... -
10.0 優步危機
1.0 優雅女子
9.0 會飛的小精靈
2.0 會飛的驢
2015 劇情簡介:Maurizio is a stubborn boy who grows up near the fiumara, where people throw away whatever they no longer need. This open-air dump becomes his playground, where among wrecked cars and other treasures large and small, he begins to dream of playing in the town band. Mamma Rosa looks on his musical aspirations as a childish whim, a luxury that the family cannot afford. And so, bet... -
9.0 會飲