冰天雪地極度嚴寒的阿拉斯加荒原,來自各地的殺人犯等非法之徒加入某石油公司,在這個蠻荒之地辛苦作業。約翰·奧特維(連姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 飾)是這家公司的守護獵人,專門負責獵殺野狼以使工人滅受殘害。他日夜思念妻子,於生早已了無所望。某天,他和工人們乘坐的飛機遭受空難,當他再次醒來時,發現自己正置身在暴雪紛飛的冰原。與之一同僥幸逃生的漢德裏克(Dallas Roberts 飾)、迪亞茲(Frank Grillo 飾)、博克(Nonso Anozie 飾)、塔爾蓋特(Dermot Mulroney 飾)、弗蘭納瑞(Joe Anderson 飾)以及赫南德茲(Ben Bray 飾)等6人。雖然暫時逃生,但在救援遲遲不曾到來的危機時刻,他們的生命依然受到威脅。 性格各異的7名幸存者,即將踏上似乎永無止境的求生之路……
2.0 雞與牛 第一季[電影解說]
1997 電影解說簡介: 雞與牛是一個卡通係列劇。故事的主人公牛妹妹是一隻擁有神奇力量的小奶牛,平時呆呆傻傻,但是在關鍵時刻就會變身成“超級牛”,通常她的變身都是為了拯救身為屌絲,但是有點自大和瞧不起妹妹的雞哥哥。雞與牛的父母設定成隻露下半身的人類,通常都待在家,很單純和相愛。故事大反派是來自地獄的“沒穿褲子先生”(The Red Guy),他的主要任務就是搞破壞,以及調查“超級牛”的來曆。 故事中的牛在英語版中變成後就說西班牙語,在國語配音中變身後的主打句是用蘇北話說的“超級牛來拯救嘍!”該劇和其他卡通頻道的節目,如德克斯特的實驗室,被收錄在cartoonnetwork的What-A-Cartoon!係列中.。 -
7.0 嬰兒城[電影解說]
1993 電影解說簡介: 《嬰兒城》(《Baby Follies》)由法國C2A製片公司出品,上海美術電影製片廠譯製。中文譯製版隻有20集,實際上法語版有52集。 在高高的天空上,綿綿的白雲間,有一座美麗的天城。嬰兒城是一片沒有戰爭和罪惡的淨土,有的是積木搭成的房屋,白雲鋪就的道路。一群可愛的嬰兒就居住在這裏。 嬰兒城裏有總愛抱著泰迪熊,在市政大樓裏搭積木的市長;嬰兒城裏有不會穩當著落的超人;嬰兒城裏有聰明敏銳,騎著小三輪車辦案的探長;嬰兒城裏有性感討人喜歡的勞拉;嬰兒城裏有經營著玩具超市的商人;嬰兒城裏有憋不住在空中尿濕尿布的飛行員。 嬰兒們在生活中也有著他們的快樂和煩惱。想知道這裏發生的一切嗎?那就跟著這一群可愛嬰兒們走進嬰兒城裏來…… -
10.0 富弗[電影解說]
1986 電影解說簡介: Foofur is a children's animated series made by Hanna-Barbera and Freddy Monnickendam. It aired on NBC from 1986 to 1988. The protagonist and title character was a skinny blue dog. The animated series was produced in part by William Hanna. There was also a comic book series from Star Comics (an imprint of Marvel Comics). -
8.0 加菲貓和他的朋友們 第一季[電影解說]
3.0 胖胖狗[電影解說]
8.0 精靈狗與攪和貓[電影解說]
1989 電影解說簡介: Spiff and Hercules is the English translation of a French comic strip titled Pif et Hercule, featuring an anthropomorphic brown-yellow dog ("Pif") and a black-white cat ("Hercule") who, despite being best friends, are constantly fighting in a friendship/hate relationship. The character of Pif was created by José Cabrero Arnal for the French Communist Party newspaper L'Humanité on March 28, 1948, and the cat Hercules was introduced two years later. The adventures of Pif also appeared in the British communist newspaper the Daily Worker (later The Morning Star) until the mid-1970s. Spiff later got his own magazine ("Pif Gadget"), which was very popular as not only did it include several different comic strips, but offered a toy gadget in each issue. Hercules also got his own version of Spiff's magazine, this one called "Super Hercule", but his magazine was more joke-oriented. A series of 65 26-minute animated cartoons featuring the characters was produced in 1989 by Europe Images/M5 in France. Each program consisted of two episodes. United Kingdom television station Channel 4 aired the series in 1993.