《血與水 第一季》劇情簡介
《血與水 第一季》相關視頻
8.0 閨蜜離婚指南第三季
2017 美國簡介:Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who is secretly hiding her separation from her husband as she starts to navigate her life as a single woman in her 40s in Los Angeles. She starts to side with and take advice more from her divorced friends rather than her married ones, and it leads her to some unexpected and life-changing experiences. -
1.0 閨蜜離婚指南第四季
2017 美國簡介:Abby and Barbara launch their blog, but it won't last long if they don't find a way to bring traffic to the site. As they look into potential influencers, a run in with Abby's ex and his new girlfriend sparks Barb's imagination. Delia's humanitarian efforts at Legal Aid send her on a stakeout with an abrasive but experienced new colleague. Phoebe gets in deeper with her seducti... -
7.0 鬼玩人第一季
7.0 鬼玩人第二季
10.0 鬼玩人第三季
9.0 鬼語者第二季
2006 美國簡介:Melinda(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 飾)具有一種和鬼魂溝通的神秘能力,常常有鬼魂來找她幫忙。鬼魂們來到陽世,大都是因為有未盡的心願,這些心願阻止了他們再次獲得生命,而Melinda在生與死之間穿梭,在幫助他們的同時,探索生命與死亡的真諦。知道真相的除了丈夫Jim(大衛·康拉德 David Conrad 飾)就是Melinda在古董店的合作夥伴Delia(卡穆琳·曼海姆 Camryn Manheim 飾)。喜歡研究超自然現象的人文曆史大學教授Rick(傑·摩爾 Jay Mohr 飾),雖然看不到鬼魂,但是可以聽到他們的聲音,正因為此,他也經常幫助Melinda解釋很多她看到的鬼魂給她的提示。