在一個陽光明媚的日子裏,森林正中央的兔子洞口,兔八哥(梅爾·布蘭科 Mel Blanc 配音)一邊哼著小曲一邊打掃衛生。突然間,無數的動物倉皇失措,奪路狂奔。兔八哥根本搞不清狀況,他攔截住一隻烏龜,詢問到底怎麽回事,結果得知恐怖的大嘴怪(梅爾·布蘭科 Mel Blanc 配音)即將來到森林。兔八哥從沒聽過大嘴怪,他返回窩內查百科全書。正在此時,大嘴怪刮著旋風來到森林,沿途經過的岩石、樹木全都被輕易摧毀。大嘴怪鑽進兔八哥的家中,發現兔八哥正在專心看書。他口水直流,顯然想把兔子當成自己的美食。 不過兔八哥臨危不懼,他鎮定自若地和凶猛但頭腦簡單的大嘴怪周旋,靠自己的智慧贏得勝利……
2.0 雲中命案[電影解說]
2.0 幽巷謀殺案[電影解說]
1989 電影解說簡介: Poirot is enlisted by Japp to help solve a mystery that took place on Bonfire Night in a mews flat. A Mrs. Allen was found shot, apparently a suicide, but she was holding the gun that killed her in the wrong hand, and foul play is suspected. Furthermore, the ash-tray in the room contained the stubs of Turkish cigarettes smoked by one Major Eustace, a disreputable acquaintance.The victim was engaged to be married and seemingly had no cause to take her own life. Did she? Or was it murder in the mews? -
10.0 遺囑囧事[電影解說]
7.0 葉穆[電影解說]
5.0 鬼女魔咒[電影解說]
1.0 被遺棄的秘密[電影解說]