改編自美國記者Jake Adelstein對東京警視廳轄區內各事件所記錄的第一手資料,依舊在東京實地拍攝的第二季將帶領觀眾繼續深入這座城市的黑社會世界,Jack Adelstein(安塞爾·艾爾高特 Ansel Elgort 飾)逐漸意識到自己和身邊人的性命正處於可怕的危險之中。
9.0 作秀公審
2021 美國簡介:Talitha Campbell, the arrogant daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur, is arrested following the disappearance of fellow student, Hannah Ellis, the hard-working daughter of a single mother. From the makers of Vigil, Showtrial switches between both sides of the legal battle, as defence and prosecution fight for their version of what really happened to Hannah, and the truth about Tal... -
7.0 作弊
10.0 佐伊的超凡歌單第二季
9.0 佐恩之子
1.0 罪有可辯
8.0 罪人第一季