本劇改編自David Nicholls的同名暢銷小說《一天》。
1988年7月15日,Emma Morley(安比卡·茂德 Ambika Mod 飾)和Dexter Mayhew(利奧·伍德爾 Leo Woodall 飾)迎來了自己的畢業之夜。盡管大學即將結束,不過這是兩人第一次跟彼此說話,第二天早上他們便各奔東西了。第二年、第三年,以及接下來的每一年,在這平凡的一天,他們會是什麽樣子呢?每年的這一天,Dex和Em都大了一歲,他們見證了彼此的成長變化,經曆了分分合合,體會了喜怒哀樂。
1.0 最美一枝花
1.0 白蓮花度假村第二季
9.0 四條生命
5.0 清潔工第二季
2022 美國簡介:When whip-smart Cambodian doctor Thony De La Rosa comes to the United States for medical treatment to save her ailing son, she soon discovers her path won't be as straightforward as she had hoped. As the system quickly fails her, pushing her into hiding, she resolves not to allow herself to be beaten down and marginalized and becomes a cleaning lady for organized crime. Using h... -
6.0 舞台劇第三季
3.0 平攤公寓
2022 美國簡介:Adapted from Beth O’Leary’s bestselling novel, six-part series The Flatshare stars Jessica Brown Findlay (Tiffany) and Anthony Welsh (Leon), as two cash-strapped twenty somethings who share a bed, but have never met. The question is, can you fall in love with someone you've never set eyes on? Stream The Flatshare, 1st December on Paramount+.