Three years after having survived the events of the first film, Michelle (Lexi Dripps) is now in college. However, she is still plagued with the questions of what truly happened after what she believes was only a ritualistic attack that killed all her friends.
With the ban on Halloween lifted in her hometown, the sorority girls of Gamma Tau Psi place Michelle and her best frie...
8.0 古畑任三郎最後之舞
1.0 古畑任三郎完結篇重生之死
2006 恐怖簡介:為自然風光所環抱的鬼切村,正經曆一場驚心動魄的變革。當地大企業社長堀部伍平在野外遭到黑熊的襲擊身亡,其身為副社長的外甥大吉(千葉哲也 飾)隨即扶正,並力主將對很多人都至為重要的後山賣給他人。大吉的弟弟音彌(藤原龍也 飾)雖身為專務,但調皮頑劣,無心商界,加上性格的不同,因此與大吉一向不和。包括音彌和當地民俗資料館館長天馬恭介(石阪浩二 飾)在內的許多人都反對這一決定,但大吉剛愎自用,拒不退讓。此舉令音彌極度不滿,因此精心策劃了一起完美謀殺案,並且具有強有力的不在場證明。古畑任三郎(田村正和 飾)、今泉慎太郎(西村雅彥 飾)與西園寺這一全新組合登場,迎戰音彌送上的超完美謀殺案…… 本片為新春完結篇第一部。 -
2.0 另一個靈魂
3.0 召喚死亡醫生
5.0 可怕的奧勒弗
6.0 可見黑暗
2017 恐怖簡介:Londoner Ronnie embarks on a journey to India when his mother, Suleka, goes missing and mysteriously ends up in a Kolkata hospital. Before Ronnie can unravel the mystery of what brought his mother back to her homeland, Suleka dies in an apparent cult killing. Further deaths point to a series of past murders that stopped 28 years ago when Suleka left India with her infant son. U...