A coming of age survival thriller.
5.0 上帝的旨意
3.0 上海小姐
1947 恐怖簡介:曾在西班牙殺過人的水手Michael O'Hara(奧遜·威爾斯 Orson Welles 飾)回到了紐約,一天夜裏他在路上救了遭到打劫的美女Elsa(麗塔·海華斯 Rita Hayworth 飾),於是Elsa讓她的丈夫,律師Arthur Bannister(埃弗雷特·斯隆 Everett Sloane 飾)找到Michael,讓他來船上當水手。Bannister一家剛從上海回到紐約,正要坐船前往舊金山。在海上航行的時候,Michael和Elsa情愫暗生。而Michael也認識了Arthur的朋友George Grisby(Glenn Anders 飾)。George知道Michael曾經殺過人後,想讓Michael再殺一個人,並承諾給他五千美元的傭金,而他想讓Michael殺的人,就是George自己。原來George想製造自己已經死了的假象,然... -
10.0 不予警告
7.0 9路冥婚
4.0 DNA殺手
7.0 地獄之淵
2022 恐怖簡介:In a monastery cult off from the world, the monks run a clinic for the possessed. One day, a young policeman Marek comes to the convent. Posing as a clergyman, he penetrates monastic life and tries to explain the recent, mysterious disappearance of several tormented inmates. It turns out, however, that there is no way out of the monastery .