《老友記 第十季》劇情簡介
喬伊(馬特·理勃蘭 Matt LeBlanc 飾)和瑞秋(詹妮弗·安妮斯頓 Jennifer Aniston 飾)的戀情維持不久就發現彼此不適應身體上的交往,決定隻做朋友。邁克克服自身障礙的邁克終於向菲比(莉莎·庫卓 Lisa Kudrow 飾)求婚,兩人終成眷屬。錢德勒(馬修·派瑞 Matthew Perry 飾)和摩妮卡(柯特妮·考克斯 Courteney Cox 飾)的代孕母親艾瑞卡生了一對龍鳳胎,Jack和Erica。 瑞秋通過馬克的介紹決定前往巴黎工作。朋友們為她舉行了告別派對,除了羅斯(大衛·休默 David Schwimmer 飾)她輪流跟朋友們告別。而此時羅斯意識到自己仍然愛著瑞秋,兩人重修舊好,瑞秋也放棄了巴黎的工作。經曆了十年間風風雨雨,大家分別離開公寓,都留下自己的一把鑰匙......
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2.0 地獄廚房(美版)第一季
2005 美國簡介:World renowned chef Gordon Ramsay puts 12 aspiring young chefs through rigorous and devastating challenges at his restaurant in Hollywood, "Hell's Kitchen", to determine which of them will win the restaurant of their dreams. Their dreams are quickly becoming nightmares. Written by {robocoptng986127@aol.com} -
9.0 地獄廚房(美版)第二季
2006 美國簡介:Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Stea... -
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2007 美國簡介:Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Stea...