為了贏得和雲嵐宗大弟子納蘭嫣然(靳陽陽)的三年之約,蕭炎(馬伯騫 飾演)和藥老(高曙光 飾演)來到蛇族沙漠,尋找傳說中的異火——青蓮地心火,借此提升實力。 在蛇族沙漠中,意外卷入人族和蛇人族的種族鬥爭中,蛇人族女皇美杜莎(夏若妍 飾演)正為晉升鬥宗而閉關,剛好給了蕭炎可乘之機。於是蕭炎聯合青鱗(黃雯 飾演)和穆力(李九霄)飾演,一起潛入到蛇人族地宮,剛巧,美杜莎因為吸收異火而走火入魔,蕭炎不費吹灰之力得到了夢寐以求的“青蓮地心火”。而在城外,人族和蛇人族的曠世種族大戰正在上演...... 實力暴漲的蕭炎粉碎了蛇人族處心積慮已久的陰謀。一番安排後,蕭炎踏上了前往“迦南學院”的路程....
7.0 殺很大
2.0 王牌至尊
1993 動作簡介: Former Green Beret Louis Stevens returns to his hometown of Miami after completing military service in Brazil, only to learn that his old high school has become a haven for gangs and drug dealers. After Stevens uses his capoeira skills to kick several drug dealers off of the school property, Kerrigan, one of Stevens' old teachers, sees the impact that Stevens has on the students. Kerrigan gives him the task of teaching Capoeira to a handful of the worst at-risk students at the school. -
6.0 未來悍將
2.0 我的子彈會轉彎
9.0 衝撞
9.0 代碼211