影片聚焦經典之作《查理和巧克力工廠》的主人公威利·旺卡(提莫西·查拉梅 飾),這位年輕且天賦異稟的發明家、魔術師、巧克力製作師,是如何經曆奇幻冒險,成長為觀眾摯愛的巧克力工廠掌門人的故事。
5.0 噪音2007
2007 喜劇簡介:From the creators of "The Believer", winner of the 2001 Sundance Grand Jury Prize, comes a black comedy about a man caught in the most impossible of conundrums: in love with his hometown, New York City, but driven mad by its noise. Transforming himself into "The Rectifier", David takes on everyone from the schmuck who ignores his own car alarm to the city's most powerful citize... -
2.0 致命姐妹會
10.0 籃球冠軍2
5.0 飛行員2024
1.0 猛龍過溝2
3.0 皇家大變身