5.0 她說
3.0 永恒的女兒
2022 劇情簡介:蒂爾達·斯文頓的秘密主演新片曝光:她於疫情期間在威爾士拍攝了一部鬼故事片《永恒的女兒》(The Eternal Daughter),繼《紀念品》後再次與導演喬安娜·霍格合作。 A24最新拿下該片全球版權,已拍完進入後期製作階段,講述一個中年女子與年邁母親回到她們以前的家——一個舊日的大莊園,如今變成了一間空蕩蕩的酒店,充滿神秘,母女倆將必須麵對一些埋藏了很長時間的秘密。 該片演員陣容還包括約瑟夫·邁德爾、卡莉·戴維斯和阿爾菲·桑基·格林,由Element Pictures(《寵兒》《房間》)和JWH Films(《紀念品》)製作,BBC影業也加入,馬丁·斯科塞斯擔任執行製片人。 -
6.0 十九隻海獺
9.0 那些野獸
2022 劇情簡介:Its plot introduces us to Antoine and Olga, a French couple who settled in a small village in inland Galicia some time ago. There, they lead a quiet life, although their coexistence with the locals is not as idyllic as they would like it to be. A conflict with their neighbours, the Anta brothers, will ratchet up the tension in the village until it reaches the point of no return... -
10.0 馬卡盧索往事
6.0 神棄之地