5.0 3391公裏
2024 劇情簡介:Would you fall in love with a person whose voice you haven't heard for months, whose face you haven't touched, you can't smell, you don't even have the chance to pass by the same street, you can't even be in the same photo, who is miles away from you, even by seas, islands and cities -
10.0 魔菇
2023 劇情簡介:A young man forages for magic mushrooms in the forests surrounding Lisbon, before distributing them with carrier pigeons to locals suffering from depression. With Shrooms Jorge Jácome trades the expected sensationalism of its central subject for lyricism and curiosesity, shooting on dreamy, gossamer 16mm. -
5.0 殺戮列車
8.0 禱告
7.0 我的小情人1974
7.0 龍拳小子2