9.0 遺願清單2007
2007 劇情簡介:老富翁愛德華?科爾(傑克?尼克爾森 Jack Nicholson 飾)近年來在公立醫院的私有化改造事業中獲利頗豐,他為節省成本,規定病房“一房兩床”的做法頗受非議,但性格強勢的科爾不以為意,豈料他不久被檢查出罹患癌症,本欲入住單人病房的科爾在輿論壓力下隻得與另一位病人——老卡特(摩根?弗裏曼 Morgan Freeman 飾)同處一室。汽車修理技師老卡特博聞強識,將三個子女培養成才,但代價是犧牲了年輕時要做曆史教授的夢想。曾經結婚多次如今卻孤身一人的科爾逐漸對卡特產生了興趣,兩位老人在病房中結下了友誼。科爾偶然發現了卡特的“遺願清單”,他決定運用自己的力量,讓那些紙麵上的瘋狂構想一一實現,去發現人生的真正意義…… -
1.0 一曲傾情
7.0 變裝人生
2018 劇情簡介:TUCKED is a raw and tender drama about an aging 80 year old drag queen who forms an unlikely friendship with a younger queen, both struggling with their own issues of gender identity and mortality. As they discover more about each other, they realize how to truly be themselves. It's a 'slice of life' drama about love, loss and friendship; a feel good film with a great charm and... -
3.0 邊山
8.0 邊界風雲
2014 劇情簡介:Bordering on Bad Behavior is a politically incorrect comedy that entertains and enthralls the viewer into a strategic moment in history where wrong is right and right is wrong, and ultimately answers that age-old question: Is blood really thicker than water? And, if war kills, can weed heal! -
3.0 笨賊快跑