單親媽媽阿琳·麥肯尼(海倫·亨特 Helen Hunt飾)生活拮據,為了撫養兒子特雷弗·麥肯尼(海利·喬·奧斯蒙特Haley Joel Osment飾)而拚命工作,唯有借酒消愁才能打發深深的失落與無助。相依為命的兩母子,一直過著毫無希望的生活。然而這一切在有一天發生了改變。特雷弗的社會學老師尤金·賽門特(凱文·斯帕西Kevin Spacey飾)布置了一道特殊家庭作業:讓世界變得更美好。深信善有善報的特雷弗,決心從自己做起,於是他把無家可歸的流浪漢請到了自己家中。
8.0 蘇爺爺的肖像畫
2.0 蘇珊娜
3.0 蘇祿國王與中國皇帝
1.0 蘇聯挽歌
1989 劇情簡介:“It is a film from an extended series. It is hard to say who is the main character of “The Soviet Elegy.” There are more than a hundred faces of our compatriots. But, of course, it is not by chance that it is the destiny of a famous political figure, Boris Nikolayevitch Yeltsin, that bears a special accent in the film. Though he got to power following quite typical ways, his un... -
2.0 蘇芬戰爭
1989 劇情簡介:記述蘇芬戰爭前線幾個普通芬蘭士兵的經曆,以此告訴人們,弱國芬蘭敢於抵抗俄國紅軍侵略的精神力量究竟來自何處? Russia attacked Finland in late November 1939. This film tells the story of a Finnish platoon of reservists from the municipality of Kauhava in the province of Pohjanmaa/Osttrobottnia who leave their homes and go to war. The film focuses on the farmer brothers Martti and Paavo Hakala. -
6.0 蘇蘇之戀