這次,國際警察陳家駒(成龍 飾)受到美國中央情報局的委托,調查一個國際核子武器的販賣集團。上司與家駒開始都以為是天荒夜談,他們根本不相信有什麽組織能從黑市裏搞來核子武器,認為調查的隻是一群烏合之眾。然而,當家駒跟蹤疑犯徐傑進行交易,進而意外發現了烏克蘭的核彈基地,他才意 識到事態嚴重。
交易的雙方發現了家駒,他逃走時失足掉入了冰湖,幸得俄軍相救才僥幸活命。家駒恢複後俄軍上校格裏格派往澳洲追查徐傑的妹妹安妮(吳辰君 飾)。但家駒剛抵達澳洲,就遭到了當地黑幫的追殺,家駒隱隱感到事件背後不簡單。
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2020 劇情簡介:The year is 1942, and Archie Glass Is trying to get into Hollywood. His chance comes as he is offered a job: Find a young white movie star before the press reports that she is missing and he will have a shot at his Hollywood dream. Thus begins a journey into a Los Angeles you have never seen before, the actors who play the maids, the busboys, the background actors in jungle fil... -
8.0 牛蠅
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