

已完結 / / 劇情片 /美國 / 2011


A story of love, sex... and high school tuition. Meet Sam Lowell. Friend, lover, student, teacher... and owner of his very own escort service. Along with his "mother's little helpers" Sam learns about love and life in this sophisticated take on the classic high school sex comedy that explores a generation of kids growing up too fast and their parents who are desperately trying ...


  • 足球女將 7.0 足球女將
    1981 劇情
    簡介:In his Scottish New Town home, gangling Gregory and his school-friends are starting to find out about girls. He fancies Dorothy, not least because she has got into the football team - and is a better player than him. He finally asks her out, but it is obviously the females in control of matters here, and that very much includes Gregory's younger sister.
  • 葬禮2015 3.0 葬禮2015
    2015 劇情
    簡介:在南印度的一個偏遠村莊,101歲的Century Gowda去世了,他的三代子孫們有著不同的反應。兒子Gadappa是一位老頭子,總是抽著便宜的煙,喝著白蘭地,每天無所事事地穿梭在田野間;同時孫子Thamanna是個見錢眼開的小販,籌劃著非法賣掉Century Gowda的五英畝地;曾孫Abhi是個陽光自信的青年,不屈不撓地追求著一個牧羊女孩。三條故事線索交織著,聚合在Century Gowda死後第十一天的葬禮上。
  • 葬禮成員 1.0 葬禮成員
    2008 劇情
    簡介:A dysfunctional family's heart of darkness is laid bare in the grimly humorous and then just plain grim meller "Members of the Funeral." Feature bow by Baek Seung-bin heralds a dark wit and sleek intelligence guided by a creatively secure humility. A standout from the substandard HD fodder that generally clogs up Pusan's New Currents competish and so-called cutting-edge fests, ...
  • 蒂爾2022 1.0 蒂爾2022
    2022 劇情
    簡介:故事講述了美國黑人民權運動中的一樁真實事件,1955年,年僅14歲的埃米特·路易斯·蒂爾被指 責與一名白人婦女有不正當關係後,被綁架並被殘忍地殺害。兩名白人嫌疑人在全白人陪審團的審判下,被判無罪。埃米特的母親瑪米·蒂爾-莫布利(丹妮爾飾)為了幫兒子伸張正義,決定在埃米特的葬禮上敞開棺材,並讓《Jet》雜誌刊登自己兒子葬禮照片,她想讓世界各地的人們知道她兒子的遭遇。隨後成千上萬的人看到了埃米特的照片,這也使得埃米特案成為了對南方黑人司法不公的象征。烏比飾演埃米特的祖母阿爾瑪·卡爾坦。
  • 蒂拉·耶馬 6.0 蒂拉·耶馬
    2016 劇情
  • 蒂米·菲列:錯已鑄成 7.0 蒂米·菲列:錯已鑄成
    2020 劇情


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