A young woman becomes a nun when she believes her sweetheart has been killed, then things get complicated when he returns alive.
Lillian Gish is the daughter of a rich Italian count who is killed in a tuikan.cc fall from his horse. Though Lillian stands to inherit a large estate, her older half-sister burns the will and thus inherits the property herself, throwing Lillian into ...
5.0 芳心天涯
1999 劇情簡介:盡管阿黛勒(蘇珊·薩蘭登 Susan Sarandon 飾)已為人母,但她的個性卻並不能用“成熟穩重”一詞來形容,住在老家威斯康辛的她受不了這裏無聊閉塞的生活,在她的夢想裏,位於洛杉磯的貝弗利山莊才是她真正的歸屬。身為阿黛勒的女兒,戳破老媽的白日美夢成為了安(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 飾)每日必做的功課,和這樣一個個性乖僻的母親住在一起,安的生活並不輕鬆。 終於,阿黛勒的夢想已經不僅僅是一個夢想了,她決定將夢想變為現實。就這樣,不顧安的阻止,阿黛勒帶著安踏上了自己的追夢之旅,在旅途中,接踵而至的意外和麻煩逐漸讓阿黛勒意識到了現實和夢想之間的巨大鴻溝,與此同時,安也開始明白,能夠大膽追逐夢想的人生才有意義。 -
4.0 芳心封鎖
1969 劇情簡介:The issue of War widow representation in Israeli cinema is one of the most complex for the local industry for it seems to be unique and with a very local and specific iconography. The war Widow is a difficult character to digest. Because this is an especially painful topic in Israel, its mode of representation is almost always problematic. Gila Almagor in Tofano's "siege" is on... -
7.0 蘇小三
1.0 蘇慶亮
10.0 蘇格拉底
10.0 蘇梅之歌