

已完結 / / 劇情片 /美國 / 2016


精英狙擊手布蘭登·貝克特和理查德·米勒負責保護一個重要目標。在與敵人戰鬥時被未知目標射擊,誰知道了他們的確切位置? 誰與敵人有聯係?誰與敵人達成了秘密的交易? 誰是幕後黑手?


  • 阿拉丁神燈 8.0 阿拉丁神燈
    1961 劇情
    簡介:  A poor young man finds a magic lamp that possesses a genie, who will grant the boy three wishes if he sets him free from the lamp.
  • 百萬美人魚 9.0 百萬美人魚
    1952 劇情
    簡介:  本片根據真人真事改編,開創了歌舞片全新的表演藝術形式——花樣遊泳。女主人公安妮·凱勒(埃絲特·威廉斯 Esther Williams飾)是一名普通音樂教師的女兒。本想用遊泳來治療從小患上的腿病,沒想到練就了一身遊泳絕技。因為父親調任工作的關係,安妮隨父親前往倫敦。在船上遇到了江湖賣藝的詹姆斯·蘇利文(維克多·邁徹 Victor Mature飾)。他想利用安妮穿著泳裝的表演來宣傳造勢,不料卻使安妮意外的成為了媒體焦點,名聲大噪。隨後安妮的水上芭蕾舞表演就一發不可收拾,轟動一時。  本片榮獲1953年奧斯卡(美國電影學院獎)最佳攝影(彩色片)提名。
  • 錘子與鐮刀 3.0 錘子與鐮刀
    1994 劇情
    簡介:  This is an interesting yet bizarre little tale of a fictional (as far as I know, anyway) experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger work-force/army, etc. It's a very in-depth character study of the main character, who tries to fit into a world that she (now 'he') doesn't really understand, especially since she's now a man ... Stalin dislikes the results of the experiments and has the scientist killed. The main character then goes off to live a life as a simple, unknown everyday Soviet, but is inexplicably drawn into larger and larger schemes (somewhat reminiscent of "Forrest Gump" in that way). (s)He has run-ins with different important characters, including his ex-boyfriend from his days of being a woman, as well as going on a demented quest for the nurse with whom he possibly fell in love after the operation... However, he is trapped in his life as an important Soviet married man, and in the end makes a huge sacrifice for his country (unwillingly), and the movie goes from there to an ending that is possibly happy, yet still somehow incredibly depressing.
  • 村路帶我回家 10.0 村路帶我回家
    1988 劇情
    簡介:  文革期間,下鄉女知青喬葉葉(李羚 飾)不識敵我,村支書帶她甄別全村的“四類分子”,當來到所謂“壞人”金召(王詠歌 飾)家時,金召的坦蕩和熱情深深打動了喬葉葉。知青組長宋侃(叢林 飾)怕喬葉葉不能勝任繁重農活,把她調到夥房幫廚,廚師盼雨(梁冠華 飾)憨厚樸實,對葉葉很有好感,尤端陽(陳青 飾)認為這正好體現知青與貧下中農打成一片,在明知宋侃也對葉葉有意的情況下,她仍撮合盼雨與葉葉結合。新婚不久,盼雨病逝,而葉葉卻有了身孕,洽逢文革結束,知青大返城。宋侃和端陽考上大學遠走高飛,葉葉則麵臨孤立無援之境。金召平反後坦露了對葉葉的愛意,葉葉對此十分感激......
  • 大人物1942 2.0 大人物1942
    1942 劇情
    簡介:  由於害怕因第三次犯案而終身監禁,被定罪的伯爾尼公爵(duke berne)從一場裝甲車搶劫案中脫身,這起搶劫案是由他那奸詐的律師策劃的,但他無論如何都是被陷害的。
  • 決不妥協 7.0 決不妥協
    2006 劇情
    簡介:  張路(徐路飾)全力搶救一個叫小敏的受傷女患者,張路盡了最大努力,但小敏還是因為大出血而離開了這個世界。小敏的母親杜麗(宋春麗飾)悲痛欲絕,對張路興師問罪,認為是張路的失職導致女兒的離去。杜麗的身後站著一個更具威脅的人物,小敏的繼父全武(薑武飾),身為偉業藥業集團董事長的他,在這個城市是手眼通天的人物。但他意外發現張路竟然是5年前被自己撞傷的同事張文學的女兒。杜麗以報複殺人罪欲將張路送上法庭,卻被老謀深算的全武製止,他這樣做是為了掩蓋一個5年前的秘密。


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