This film, very much of its time shows London in the early 1970's. Of course now a different world. Note the old fashion Underground ticket machines, and the Black and White Telly in the flat. The locations looks very much like Churchill Gardens, Pimlico, with Battersea Power Station in the background. And, plenty of smoking going on, in pubs, and on the tube. The film is strang...
6.0 破曉時分2011
8.0 善惡無赦
4.0 魔窟生死戀
4.0 三隻猴子
2008 劇情簡介:在一個陰沉的雨夜,準備參加競選的老板塞維(厄康•吉賽爾ErcanKesal飾)駕車撞死了一個路人。他極度恐懼,於是選擇了找司機伊約(裏法特•桑賈爾RifatSungkar飾)頂包,並許諾出獄後給他一筆錢。伊約的家境非常不好,孩子厭學,妻子海瑟(哈提斯•阿斯蘭HaticeAslan飾)也對他頗有微詞,為了能夠改善家庭環境,他毅然決定接受塞維的條件,充當替罪羊改善家人的生活。然而,事情卻沒有想象中那麽簡單。為了救出丈夫,海瑟希望塞維出麵求情,並以身體交換作為籌碼,這種超越底線的交易,最終讓這對夫妻陷入了更加複雜的困境……\r本片導演尼瑞•貝利奇•錫蘭獲得第61屆戛納電影節最佳導演獎。 -
10.0 三個戰友
2.0 飄揚的紅領巾