《維琴河 第五季》劇情簡介
《維琴河 第五季》相關視頻
3.0 都市俠盜第三季
4.0 都市俠盜第四季
10.0 都市俠盜第五季
2012 美國簡介:《都市俠盜》類似現代版的羅賓漢與《十一羅漢》的綜合體,講述了一群各懷絕技的飛天大盜行俠仗義的故事。奧斯卡獎獲得者Timothy Hutton出演男一號。 該劇由Dean Devlin(《獨立日》, 《圖書管理員》)任導演, John Rogers(《變形金剛》,《地心末日》)和 Chris Downey(《後中之王》)編劇,並由Devlin和Roger共同監製。TNT高級策劃Michael Wright看了試播集後這樣評論本劇,“《都市俠盜》是一部節奏緊湊,構思巧妙,詼諧有趣的好劇;Timothy Hutton是一個非常傑出的演員,他和他的夥伴表演的很有火花:這是一部取得了突破性成績的電視劇,與Dean合作我非常開心。” 劇中Hutton 飾演的Nate Ford,是一個為他的雇主找回丟失貨物的白金保險調查員:在他的公司拒絕為他將死的兒子支付保險金之... -
8.0 鬥篷與匕首第一季
5.0 督察班克斯第二季
2012 美國簡介:Stephen Tompkinson returns as the tenacious and stubborn Chief Inspector Alan Banks in three more chilling crime stories. As this series opens, Banks must learn to work with dramatic changes to his team. Detective Annie Cabbot is off on maternity leave soon to be replaced by the impossible-to-read Helen Morton. A new case becomes personal in Strange Affair when Banks discovers ... -
9.0 督察班克斯第三季
2014 美國簡介:Wednesday's Child When a mother reports her child as having been abducted by a man and a woman masquerading as social workers, Banks is drawn into a strange and unsettling search for the missing young boy. Piece of My Heart Following the death of a journalist, Banks and his team discover connections to a suspicious death in the eighties involving the surviving members of a pop ...