6.0 紙屋惡魔
1988 劇情簡介: Anna is becoming lost in the loneliness of her own world when she discovers she can visit another, a house she has drawn herself and occupied by a young disabled boy. But as she discovers more of the links between her fantasy world and the mundane present, she is drawn only deeper into a dream... -
10.0 抓狂電台
1988 劇情簡介: 奧利弗·斯通拍完兩部越戰片之後作新嚐試,針對電台廣播節目的社會效應作深入探討。男主角巴瑞查伯寧,是一位能言善道而憤世嫉俗的電台抓狂夜談節目主持人。他善引導打電話進來表達意見的聽眾侃侃而談,並且對講座的熱門話題常有一針見血的評論,因此使節目獲得很高的收聽率,並且使他贏得全國性聯播的機會。然而,就在成功與聲望唾手可得之際,工作夥伴以及被他激怒的廣播聽眾,一齊進入了不可知的危險狀態之中,並且埋下了震撼性的殺機。男主角埃裏克.博高桑,同時也是本片的編劇之一。影片的原始構想取自真人真事,描述丹佛市廣播節目主持人阿倫伯格由於敢作敢言,於1984年被新納粹分子所暗殺。編導對一些電台叩應節目嘩眾取寵,將個人隱私當作娛樂商品來販賣的歪風提出有力批判,處理紮實有力 -
7.0 八麵威風
3.0 法律之上
7.0 壓路機和小提琴
8.0 鐵律柔情
1987 劇情簡介: No matter the cost, No matter the danger. They will find the truth. A judge commits suicide, and his secretary is found murdered. A homeless deaf-mute man, Carl Anderson is arrested for her murder. Public defender Kathleen is assigned by the court as his lawyer. She sets to find the real killer, and gets help from the congressional advisor, Eddie Sanger who is called to be on the jury panel. Together they discover a dangerous circle of corruption in high places. 本片描述的是由女書記員凶殺案而引出的一係列官場上的是非之事。一個精明得七情六欲盡寫在臉上的陪審員,他一方麵為了本身的政治遊說工作不惜和徐娘半老的女議員上床,另一方麵則主動熱心地幫忙辯護律師搜集證據查案。由於按法律規定,辯護律師是不得跟陪審員來往的,而事情的發展卻逼得兩人之間的關係越陷越深。