

已完結 / / 歐美劇 /英國 / 2016


Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder Valley in West Yorkshire. While on duty, she makes a gruesome discovery – a body. The victim’s injuries bear a striking similarity to a string of other murders over the previous fe...


  • 塔科馬消防隊 第一季 3.0 塔科馬消防隊 第一季
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    2019 歐美
    簡介:Tacoma FD's newest chief, Terry McConky, is under scrutiny by the city council to get serious about his station's ratings. Meanwhile, Terry's crew puts his job in jeopardy by engaging ...
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  • 連環殺手的妻子 4.0 連環殺手的妻子
    2024 歐美
    簡介:故事發生在一個田園詩般的英國小鎮,Beth Fairchild為她的丈夫Tom (Farthing: Rain Dogs)準備了一個驚喜的生日派對。由於湯姆是當地一位受人愛戴的醫生,村裏的大多數人都到場了,但當晚會被警察打斷,湯姆因謀殺罪被捕時,貝絲的世界發生了翻天覆地的變化。貝絲相信她的丈夫被冤枉了,但她很快就有了一些令人震驚的發現,使她懷疑他的清白,她向亞當(特德威飾)傾訴了她的擔憂,亞當是湯姆從小最好的朋友。
  • 最後的匪幫 第一季 4.0 最後的匪幫 第一季
    最後的匪幫 第一季
    2018 歐美
    簡介:《The Last O.G.》由Tracy Morgan主演﹑《基和皮爾 Key & Peele》的Jordan Peele所執筆,該喜劇講述一個被判15年牢獄的罪犯Tray(Tracy Morgan飾)出獄後,社會的轉化令他十分驚訝,而且當他搬回Brooklyn時,還發現自己前女友Shay(Tiffany Haddish飾)已嫁給個親切﹑事業有成的白人(Ryan Gaul飾),並養育著一對Tray從不知道存在的雙胞胎孩子(Taylor Mosby及Dante Hoagland飾)。Tray現在隻想跟孩子們重新打好關係,不過沒有錢的他隻好用在監獄學到的技能來賺錢。
  • 單身規劃師Planners 8.0 單身規劃師Planners
    2023 歐美
    簡介:An event planning agency must deal with the challenges and complications in organizing a memorable event. Lots of stress, dreams and emotions all come together to provide indelible moments in the lives of many people. A series that celebrates the passion and experiences of organizing events, as well as the sweat and dedication needed to put together the perfect party.
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    格林 第六季
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