來自大陸的殺手李強(周潤發 飾)隻身來到了美國,為了將還在家鄉的母親和妹妹接來美國一家團聚,無奈之下他隻好向紐約曼哈頓唐人街的黑幫老大魏先生借錢。此時,魏先生的兒子因為在毒品交易中逃避警察而意外墜樓身亡,李強正好成了魏先生複仇的棋子。
1.0 牛奶樹下
6.0 牛敞亮還鄉
6.0 牛油果的硬度
2.0 牛皮紙袋
2020 劇情簡介:The year is 1942, and Archie Glass Is trying to get into Hollywood. His chance comes as he is offered a job: Find a young white movie star before the press reports that she is missing and he will have a shot at his Hollywood dream. Thus begins a journey into a Los Angeles you have never seen before, the actors who play the maids, the busboys, the background actors in jungle fil... -
8.0 牛蠅
1.0 牛角石