繼上一季Max(凱特?戴琳斯 Kat Dennings 飾)的蛋糕得到了知名料理評論人在雜誌上的稱讚後,興奮等待結果的Max和Caroline(貝絲?比厄 Beth Behrs 飾)卻遲遲未得到回音。二人隻得繼續在紐約布魯克林區的小餐廳打工,應對形形色色的顧客。時不時的和亞裔老板Han Lee(馬修?摩伊 Matthew Moy 飾)、無時無刻都在講葷段子的廚師Oleg(Jonathan Kite 飾)及Max心愛的收銀員Earl(Garrett Morris 飾)調侃。Max和Caroline的鄰居,來自波蘭開著清潔公司的蘇菲(詹妮佛?庫裏奇 Jennifer Coolidge 飾)也經常光臨餐館。各色人物群聚的餐廳,時不時上演些爆笑驚險的故事。
在這一季裏,Caroline邂逅了帥氣又貼心的糖果店老板Andy(瑞恩?漢森 Ryan Hansen ...
9.0 布朗神父第三季
6.0 布朗神父第四季
7.0 布朗神父第五季
2016 美國簡介:The Duke of Frome John Langton with his wife, their baby born after complications during childbirth, a domineering nanny, nursery maid and valet arrive at Montague Hall for Lady Felicia's Yuletide ball. During the evening the baby is taken from his cot. Inspector Mallory suspects an inside job by the valet when his secret wife arrives while Brown is more interested in the birth... -
9.0 布朗神父第六季
3.0 布朗神父第七季
8.0 布朗神父第八季