本季確定為最終季。米琪(瑞秋·布羅斯納安 Rachel Brosnahan 飾)將比以往更接近她所向往的成功,但是她發現,“更接近成功"實際上離成功依然太遠。
9.0 體育老師第二季
2014 歐美簡介: 本劇講述前黑幫保鏢隊長在中學擔任體育老師的故事,劇中有許多搞笑情節和引人深思的現象。 主人公奧列格·葉夫蓋爾維奇·福明(綽號福馬)是前黑幫頭子瑪瑪伊的保鏢隊長,但因為改不掉野蠻暴力的作風和“過時”的工作方式而被開除。福馬悲傷而不甘,於是決定通過討好瑪瑪伊的孩子薩尼亞回到瑪瑪伊身邊。在老友“瘋子”的幫助下,他成功進入薩尼亞所在的中學成為一名體育老師,然而上班第一天毒舌霸道的福馬就得罪了薩尼亞、美女教師塔吉亞娜和教導主任。在中學工作的日子裏,福馬以自己的方式盡力守護著薩尼亞,討好心儀的塔吉亞娜,幫助辦公室的同事們解決難題。福馬漸漸展現出了自己心軟善良的一麵,他的生活中發生了一係列爆笑溫馨的故事。 -
10.0 體育老師第三季
2015 歐美簡介: 本劇講述前黑幫保鏢隊長在中學擔任體育老師的故事,劇中有許多搞笑情節和引人深思的現象。主人公奧列格·葉夫蓋爾維奇·福明(綽號福馬)是前黑幫頭子瑪瑪伊的保鏢隊長,但因為改不掉野蠻暴力的作風和“過時”的工作方式而被開除。福馬悲傷而不甘,於是決定通過討好瑪瑪伊的孩子薩尼亞回到瑪瑪伊身邊。在老友“瘋子”的幫助下,他成功進入薩尼亞所在的中學成為一名體育老師,然而上班第一天毒舌霸道的福馬就得罪了薩尼亞、美女教師塔吉亞娜和教導主任。在中學工作的日子裏,福馬以自己的方式盡力守護著薩尼亞,討好心儀的塔吉亞娜,幫助辦公室的同事們解決難題。福馬漸漸展現出了自己心軟善良的一麵,他的生活中發生了一係列爆笑溫馨的故事.by:wap.qimiyingshi.net -
5.0 歪星撞地球第四季
1998 歐美簡介: A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intelligence expert, supposedly oldest of group takes form of his teenage son. The uninhibited reactions turn everyday events into unusual situations. -
6.0 歪星撞地球第五季
1999 歐美簡介: A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intelligence expert, supposedly oldest of group takes form of his teenage son. The uninhibited reactions turn everyday events into unusual situations. -
4.0 如果還有明天第四季
6.0 B計劃2023