10.0 4400第四季
2007 美國簡介:4400 were taken. 4400 were returned. Each has a unique ability. One among them has a message. Anyone can become extraordinary. The risk is great. But so are the rewards. And now there's no turning back The world will have to deal with us. 一個陽光普照的好日子,Tom站在自己的廚房裏喝著咖啡。他看了看表,叫Kyle趕快下樓來,說他們快遲到了。Kyle笑盈盈地衝下來,父子倆這輩子也沒這麽開心過。Tom揮了揮手,桌上的車鑰匙飛到了他的手中--難道Tom也喝下Promicin並產生了超能力? 4400 中心的廣場上已經聚... -
5.0 阿爾法戰士第二季
2.0 阿爾法戰士第一季
2011 美國簡介:在芸芸眾生之中,有一類人被稱為“阿爾法人”,由於大腦結構產生了變異,這些阿爾法人因而獲得了常人無法擁有的超能力,卻也因此成為了政府的“眼中釘”,於是,一個專門針對阿爾法人存在的秘密組織成立了。 格雷(瑞安·卡懷特 Ryan Cartwright 飾)性格自閉但擁有遠遠超越了電腦的信息處理能力,比爾(馬利克·約巴 Malik Yoba 飾)能夠在短時間內強化身體肌肉獲得過人的力量,妮娜(勞拉·門內爾 Laura Mennell 飾)外表美豔,善於操縱人心,瑞秋(阿齊塔·賈尼劄達 Azita Ghanizada 飾)善於將聲波化為利刃,威力無比。就是這樣四位“阿爾法人”,他們和秘密組織的領頭人羅森(大衛·斯特雷澤恩 David Strathairn 飾)相遇了。 -
9.0 阿爾瑪不是一般人第一季
2020 美國簡介:After a recent break-up, Alma tries to get her life back on track. But with no job, no qualifications and a rebellious streak a mile wide, it is not going to be easy. Meanwhile, her heroin-addicted mum has been sectioned for arson, and her vampish grandma Joan wants nothing to do with it. A bitingly funny and unflinching take on class, sexuality, mental health and substance abu... -
4.0 阿加莎·瑞森探案集第一季
10.0 阿什麗·加西亞的擴闊宇宙