4.0 鐵頭
2017 劇情簡介:What a coup if it were possible to combine the relatively young sport of football with the merits of the ancient art of Shaolin Kung Fu! The idea has developed some currency in China where, 15 years ago, the Chinese national football team succeeded in qualifying for the World Cup for the first – and so far only – time. Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu master Shi Yanlu has made it his mi... -
9.0 鐵斧驚魂
2.0 鐵漢與寡婦
1961 劇情簡介:The Deadly Companions is a 1961 Western film directed by Sam Peckinpah and starring Maureen O'Hara, Brian Keith, Steve Cochran, and Chill Wills. Based on the novel of the same name by A. S. Fleischman, the film is about an ex-army officer who accidentally kills a woman's son, and tries to make up for it by escorting the funeral procession through dangerous Indian territory. The... -
7.0 鐵甲鋼拳
3.0 鐵翼驚情
2001 劇情簡介:故事發生在一架飛機上,一些性格迥異的人物在數小時內經曆了一段不平凡的人生: Joe(林保怡 飾)天生有未卜先知的能力,相信命運非人力所能改變。他為人神經質,每次乘飛機都會坐立不安。一次,飛機起飛後不久,Joe 即預見飛機會爆炸,然而沒有人相信他,飛機上的一班乘客把他當作另 類。 Ada(邵美琪 飾)是空中小姐,聰明漂亮,相信自己的幸福可以靠自己來經營。另一名空中小姐Kimmy(郭羨妮 飾)看似與Ada姐妹情深,卻苦戀Ada。 但是,Ada撞破男友Patrick(唐文龍 飾)與Kimmy的奸情,又遇上劫機事件,這一切叫她對自己的信念有所動搖。 正因那些各異的人生觀,才有火花,引人注目。而機艙裏的那些富人,窮人,戀人,小偷……人生觀截然不同的男女,經曆了一段生死之間的航程,叫他們的命運緊扣在一起…… -
6.0 鐵腕校長