In the Bezonians social club in North London, A group of down and outs scheme, plot and dream of becoming rich and breaking out of the monotony of their dreary and financially impotent lives.
5.0 拖車大叔的一夜驚喜
9.0 拖錯車
5.0 拜見婆婆大人Ⅱ
2011 劇情簡介:清明節,齊家祭祀珍玉的父親的豫親王,傑西卡發現豫親王和家誠幾乎長得一模一樣。隨後的午飯上,珍玉想起自己的父親嚎啕大哭,不明事理的傑西卡講了一個笑話,逗得珍玉哭不能哭笑不能笑。 碧琴要去拜見孔明的母親,珍玉交代碧琴一定要有心理準備,婆婆一定會給她一個下馬威。誰知,碧琴到了孔家,被婆婆奉為上賓,婆婆不僅準備了豐盛的滿漢全席招待她,還對她極盡討好之能事,弄得碧琴渾身不自在。 家誠積極投身家族事業,對傑西卡疏於看管,傑西卡突發奇想開一家英倫時裝店。開業當天,娉婷,家誠,碧琴等人都收到傑西卡的請柬。傑西卡還把齊家的傭人編成了一個時裝隊,來了一場時裝秀。開業當天,傑西卡的父親sam也從英國趕來,由於齊家無人,他一路走到了齊家的後院,正巧珍玉正在唱戲,兩人打了個尷尬的照麵。 傑西卡和家誠一路爭吵回到齊家,愕然發現珍玉和sam正端坐在客廳。傑西卡把sam介紹給眾人,... -
7.0 拯救大明星
5.0 拯救落井幼兒
1989 劇情簡介:Based on the true story of baby Jessica McClure who fell into a drain pipe in her back yard while playing. She was stuck in the pipe about 20 to 30 feet down and it took rescuers 58 hours to get her out. There was fear that if they shook the earth too much with machinery they could cause Jessica to fall further down and die. -
5.0 拯救計劃