美國女孩安娜(迪.摩爾MandyMoore飾)和其他18歲女孩看起來沒什麽不一樣,一樣的青春無敵、精力充沛,不過,她有一個當總統的父親。因為她是第一女兒,所以她必須時時刻刻保持完美形象,生活永遠在鎂光燈下。而且福斯特總統對她很嚴厲,身邊總有一隊保鏢貼身保護,安娜完全沒有一點自由。\r\n 這次,安娜隨父親一起訪問歐洲。本以為處處順從父親就能換來一點自由:晚上自由自在和好友加布裏――法國駐美大使的女兒――去泡吧。沒想到,性感火辣的兩個美女在吧裏竟然無人問津,原來又是父親派來了保鏢暗中護花。憤怒的安娜喬裝打扮後撇下保鏢逃出了酒吧,就此展開了她的“逃亡之旅”。
3.0 軍雞
2.0 動作傑克森
9.0 假麵騎士×假麵騎士×假麵騎士THEMOVIE超電王三部曲EPISODEBLUE超電王篇
4.0 化身
4.0 射手
2017 動作簡介:Lauren Pierce has just become the high-school Tri-State Archery Champion. After the competition, Lauren and her teammate Emily return to their hotel room for a night of irresponsible celebratory drinking that grows into more. When interrupted by Emily's abusive boyfriend, Lauren snaps and brutally beats Daniel. Lauren is then sentenced to a girls' reform camp Paradise Ridge, nestled in the mountains of California. But this reform camp turns out to be a corrupt and twisted prison that breaks young girls and keeps parents in the dark .With the help of Rebecca, a strong and provocative young woman whom Lauren befriends, the two escape the unsafe facility and fight for their lives out in the Utah wilderness; a journey of growth, acceptance and resilience of what they believe is right. -
2.0 奪鑽狙擊
2019 動作簡介:郭豪盜取了四海集團的巨鑽九龍壁,原想了結個人恩怨後決定金盆洗手。國際刑警也追查了四海集團很久,由於梁生大律師的身份,一直為黑蛇的不法行徑洗白,所以始終沒有得到有效證據。郭豪盜取了九龍壁,回程路上遇上黑蛇手下,郭豪偶遇林悅,兩人假扮情侶躲過追蹤。梁生發覺警方介入調查,主張暫避鋒芒,放棄了鑽石。黑蛇對梁生的做法感到不解,與梁生產生了分歧。黑蛇的殺手集團與郭豪展開激烈角逐,郭豪意識到行動的危險,讓助手安寧暫時躲避。未料,鐵虎出手殺死安寧。郭豪悲憤不已,而此時黑蛇抓了林悅,約郭豪見麵。郭豪與警方取得聯係,對黑蛇實施抓捕,黑蛇最終落網。郭豪為救林悅,倒在血泊中。林悅傷心欲絕,失聲痛哭。